If you’re going to the International TESOL Convention in Atlanta this March, then make sure you stop by the Rocky Mountain TESOL Mixer at the Park Bar on Wednesday, March 13 from 7-9:30pm. This will be a great opportunity to network with new and familiar faces from TESOL affiliates CoTESOL (Colorado), NMTESOL (New Mexico), and …
Governor Ducey signs SB 1014 into law
Governor Ducey signed SB 1014 into law in mid February granting more control to school educators in deciding how best to facilitate English Language Learners in their studies. Read the full press release here: https://azgovernor.gov/governor/news/2019/02/governor-ducey-signs-legislation-improve-outcomes-english-language-learner Share this page
AZTESOL 2019 Southwest Regional Mini-Conference
Attending International TESOL? Apply for an AZTESOL Award or Grant
Did you know that AZTESOL provides funding support for professional development in the form of grants and awards to ESL professionals and students? The Cheryl Walsh Professional Growth Awards are given each year to eligible candidates who will be attending the International TESOL Convention. This year the convention will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from …
AZTESOL 2018 State Conference Details
Online registration has ended for the AZTESOL 2018 State Conference at Mesa Community College’s Red Mountain Campus on October 12-13. On-site registration will be available at the door on both Friday and Saturday. Conference Program The online program for this year’s AZTESOL State Conference, held October 12-13 at Mesa Community College Red Mountain Campus, is available …
AZTESOL Supports State Senate Bills
AZTESOL has released a position statement in support of state legislative bills HB 2281 and HB 2435, which would allow English learners to spend two hours of their school day focusing on learning English and enroll in dual language programs. Despite passing nearly unanimously in the House and receiving bipartisan support from the entire Senate Education Committee, …
Teacher Self-Efficacy Survey
Michael Karas, a PhD student at Western University, is investigating English language teachers’ confidence in their abilities to complete various English teaching tasks (self-efficacy) and invites you to complete an anonymous 20-30 minute online survey. At the end of the survey, you can also volunteer to be interviewed over Skype, but this is completely optional. If …
Our archives are going digital
AZTESOL is converting photos of its past events to an all-digital format and posting them online. You may remember flipping through our photo albums at a table in the lobby at many of our state conferences. To better preserve these images and make them available to the entire AZTESOL community, we are scanning those old …
Position Statement on Immigration Restrictions
Teaching ESOL Students About Their Rights
The Boston College Center for Human Rights and International Justice has compiled a free set of teaching materials called the ESOL Know Your Rights Tool Kit. The resource is composed of four units: Basic Human Rights; Knowing Your Rights in a Car Stop; Protecting Families in Case of Separation; and Understanding the U.S. School System. …